On Thursday the 27th of November, the Planet Savers took advantage of the warmer weather to plant the remaining plants in the Butterfly Garden.
The students decided on their roles before planting without any instruction. One role they selected was to water the new and existing plants. The students noticed that this role had too many people and decided upon themselves to rotate through the different roles so it was fair. To begin with these roles included watering, taking out the plants from their pots and finding established holes. Half way through the planting session two year 2 students asked to join in. A year 4 Planet Saver was enthusiastic to get them started and showed them the process as well as explaining why they needed to wear gloves. He took it upon himself to be their buddy for the session, helping them taking out plants and making sure the holes for planting were deep enough. It was particularly special to see the older members of the Planet Savers take the initiative to lead younger students of the school.
All students expressed their sense of achievement in completing the planting in two areas of the school. All students commented on how important they felt it was to keep these gardens free of rubbish. The session ended in 'High Fives' for everyone involved in the planting. One student stated that since he was in year 4, he would be able to watch the gardens grow and continue to take care of them.